So, working on the new server thing. If you can’t tell, it is being resilient.

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Hello Readers! A couple orders of business.
1: Yes, I am alive
2: You might have noticed a significant decrease in graphics quality. I have switched to this graphics engine since it consumes much less motivation per pixel.
3: I have moved some stuff around. There is also a new links page and category. I will add more "links" type pages in the future after I handle....
4: Reworking the site. The thing is, I have so many links I want to place on those pages, that it might be easier to put them in a database and query it.
I'd prefer to perform magic tricks in C# instead of PHP, so I am working on a server my brother is letting me use, and I plan on getting WordPress C# to run on it.
Now, if you will excuse me, I have a server to beat into submission.